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Kfar Adumim advanced beit midrash (year 2)

The advanced beit midrash fosters in-depth learning for young adults who aspire to join Israel’s future intellectual and spiritual leadership. The program fosters a strong sense of responsibility and Jewish-Israeli identity. True leadership calls for both knowledge and ideological depth, enabling future leaders to act with wisdom and discretion for the betterment of society.

Kfar Adumim

Human & ideological diversity

Intellectual & spiritual growth

Dr. Shaked Ofan
Director advanced beit midrash

“The true leader of the ship of politics is the spirit; without it, all the sails of history are nothing but lifeless rags.”

H. N. Bialik

Study of judaism, zionism, and western philosophy

Commitment to past and future

Hours of learning in 6 months

Young leadership development

Israeli heritage

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